Astronomy Specialist


SKU: MOR-C1P-7000A

Moravian Instruments


The Moravian C1+ 7000 Mono is a compact cooled monochrome astronomy camera using the Sony IMX428 CMOS sensor with a resolution of 3216 x 2208 pixels at 4.50μm. Unlike the smaller C1 series, the C1+ cameras feature active TEC cooling and the ability to control an external filter wheel.



The Moravian C1+ series are small, lightweight global shutter CMOS cameras designed for deep sky and planetary imaging and are available with a wide range of sensors. C1+ cameras feature TEC cooling and are available with both 8- and 12-bit digitization or with just 12-bit digitization which have the "A" designation.

C1+ cameras with global shutter CMOS sensors are designed to be able to operate from USB power lines only. However, some functions are available only if external 12 V DC power supply is connected. This includes the C1+ 3000/A, 5000/A, 12000/A and 7000A models.

C1+ functions are the same as C1 cameras when powered from USB only including:

  • Image acquisition.
  • Mount guiding through standard “autoguider” 6-pin connector.

When 12 V DC power is plugged in, C1+ camera functions are extended with:

  • Active and regulated sensor cooling with Peltier cooler.
  • Ability to control external filter wheel.

The C1+ cameras with rolling shutter CMOS sensors always require 12 V DC power. Currently the only model with rolling shutter is the C1+ 9000.



Sensor linearity of IMX252 sensor as found in the C1+ 3000 camera.


The CMOS sensors found in these cameras have a response to light that is linear very close to the saturation point. This means the C1+ series cameras can also be used for scientific applications like variable star research.

The C1+ camera body is designed to be as small and compact as a cooled camera with rich features and compatible with broad set of accessories. C1+ cameras are equipped with tiltable telescope interface and threaded holes for mounting on tripod or dovetail bar. They are also compatible with external filter wheels designed for larger C2 cameras.  If the external filter wheel is used, the tiltable mechanism on the camera head is inactive and tiltable adapters for external filter wheels are used instead. Therefore, C1+ cameras can utilize vast range of telescope and lens adapters including off-axis guiders.

When using 12V power, the regulated thermoelectric cooler is capable of cooling the CMOS sensor more than 40 °C below ambient temperature. The sensor temperature is regulated with ±0.1 °C precision. High temperature reduction and precision regulation ensure very low dark current for long exposures and allow proper image calibration.

Moravian C1+ cameras are offered in two different versions with the standard models offering multiple 8- and 12-bit readout modes and the "A" version offering only 12-bit output. Both versions are capable of very short exposure times of 125μs (1/8000th of a second).

Sensors used in C1+ cameras offer programmable gain from 0 to 24 dB, which translates to the output signal multiplication from 1× to 15.9×. Gain can be set with 0.1 dB step.

Camera/sensor parameters for sensors with 3.45 × 3.45 μm pixels:

Digitization resolution 12-bit 12-bit 8-bit 8-bit
Sensor gain 0 dB 24 dB 0 dB 24 dB
Full well capacity 11000 e- 1100 e- 2600 e- 1100 e-
Conversion factor 2.8 e-/ADU 0.3 e-/ADU 10.0 e-/ADU 4.4 e-/ADU
Read noise 2.2 e- RMS 2.0 e- RMS 4.2 e- RMS 9.7 e- RMS


Camera/sensor parameters for sensors with 4.50 × 4.50 μm pixels:

Digitization resolution 12-bit 12-bit
Sensor gain 0 dB 24 dB
Full well capacity 26000 e- 2100 e-
Conversion factor 6.3 e-/ADU 0.5 e-/ADU
Read noise 5.3 e- RMS 3.9 e- RMS


The USB 3.0 port operates at 5 Gbps allowing for fast transfer rates. A standard ST-4 port is also included which follows the traditional SBIG ST-4 autoguider wiring.

The front side of the C1+ camera body is not intended for direct attachment of the telescope/lens adapter. It is instead designed to accept tiltable adapter base, onto which the telescope and lens adapters are mounted. There are two variants of adapters available:

  • C1 compatible adapter base with M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) and back focal distance (BFD) 18.5 mm.

    The 18.5 mm BFD equals to C1 camera with M42 × 0.75 adapter. Numerous extension adapters are available for C1 cameras, like M48 × 0.75 thread or M42 × 0.75 thread (T-adapter) with 55 mm BFD, Canon EOS and Nikon bayonets etc. All these adapters are then compatible also with C1+ cameras.

    As opposed to C1 series, these adapters are mounted on the tiltable base and therefore can adjust optical axis if necessary.

  • C2 compatible adapter base with 16.5 mm BFD. This adapter contains four M3 threaded holed 44 mm apart and also M48 × 0.75 thread.

    Note the 16.5 mm BFD equals to BFD of large cooled C2 cameras without filter wheel. Therefore, it is possible to attach all adapters for C2 cameras as well as external filter wheels to this adapter.

For more information on Moravian C1+ cameras, please refer to the Moravian website.




CMOS Sony IMX428 monochrome


7.1 megapixels 3216 x 2208

Pixel size

4.50 µm

Sensor size

14.47 x 9.94 mm (17.5 mm diagonal)

Quantum efficiency


Exposure range

From 125 μs

Read noise

3.9 e- @ 24 dB

Full well capacity

26,000 e- @ 0 dB

Bit rate



~151 MPx/s digitization speed

Shutter type

Global shutter



Memory buffer





Windows, Mac, Linux

Protecting window



USB 3.0, ST-4

Back focus

18.5 mm with C1 adapter base, 16.5 with C2 adapter base


C1 / C2 adapters available separately


78 x 78 x 80 mm


680 g

Power supply

12V DC 5A



Mechanical diagram showing C+ camera with C1 adapter on the left and C2 adapter on the right, as well as with EFW filter wheel. Detailed diagrams can be found on the Moravian website.



Components of C1+ Camera system include:

  1. C1+ camera head with C1 compatible adapter with M42 × 0.75 thread, 18.5 mm BFD
  2. C1+ camera head with C2 compatible adapter with four M3 threaded holes 44 mm apart and M48 × 0.75 thread, 16.5 mm BFD
  3. External Filter Wheel “XS” size (7 or 8 positions)
  4. External Filter Wheel “S” size (10 or 12 positions)
  5. C1 guider camera
  6. Off-Axis Guider with M48 × 0.75 or M42 × 0.75 (T2) thread
  7. C1 compatible Nikon bayonet lens adapter
  8. C1 compatible Canon EOS bayonet lens adapter
  9. C1 compatible M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) threaded adapter, 55 mm BFD
  10. C1 compatible M48 × 0.75 threaded adapter, 55 mm BFD
  11. C2 compatible M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) or M48 × 0.75 threaded adapter, 55 mm BFD
  12. C2 compatible Canon EOS bayonet lens adapter
  13. C2 compatible Nikon bayonet lens adapter
  14. Camera Ethernet Adapter (x86 CPU)
  15. Camera Ethernet Adapter (ARM CPU)
  16. 8-positions external filter wheel “XS” for 1.25”/D31 mm filters
  17. 7-positions external filter wheel “XS” for D36 mm filters
  18. 12-positions external filter wheel “S” for 1.25”/D31 mm filters
  19. 10-positions external filter wheel “S” for D36 mm filters
  20. 7-positions external filter wheel “S” for 2”/D50 mm filters



Optical design

Image circle

Focal ratio


Focal length

Optical thickness




Active cooling

Colour or Mono


Pixel size

4.5 µm

Sensor dimensions

14.47 x 9.94 mm


3216 x 2208

Sensor diagonal

17.5 mm

Quantum efficiency


Read noise

3.9 e- @ 24 dB

Fullwell capacity

26,000 e-

Bit depth



~151 MPx/s digitization speed

Camera backfocus

18.5 mm with C1 adapter base, 16.5 with C2 adapter base

Filter size

Filter size

Bandpass (FWHM)

Bandpass (FWHM)

Glass thickness

Mount type

Payload capacity

Latitude range

Dovetail saddle

Slew speed


Periodic error correction

Counterweight shaft

Azimuth adjustment range

Internal diameter

Illuminated diameter

Compatible telescope external diameter





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