(1 products)
Jump into monochrome imaging with our ZWO ASI533MM Pro kits! The ZWO ASI533MM Pro is an excellent camera for deep sky astrophotography with its highly sensitive Sony 1" IMX533 mono sensor. Includes the EFW 1.25" electronic filter wheel and either ZWO, Optolong or Antlia LRGB & H-alpha, Oxygen-III & S-II narrowband filters.
Kit 1 is an excellent introduction to monochrome LRGB imaging giving you the ability to capture a wide range of deep sky objects:
Kit 2 replaces the standard ZWO filters with Optolong LRGB & 7nm SHO filters for a step up in quality:
Kit 3 replaces the Optolong filters with Antlia LRGB and ultra-narrow 3nm SHO filters for truly professional results: