Astronomy Specialist


(5 products)


IR-Pass filters are designed to boost the contrast in planetary imaging as the infrared radiation is less affected by atmospheric turbulence (seeing). All planets will appear sharper with the highest possible contrast. 

Mercury will reveal its faint details only with an IR-pass filter. This filter is particularly useful for daytime observations as it darkens the background of the daylight.

Venus can show details on its clouds, especially if combined with the Antlia UV Venus filter.

Mars is the planet that benefits the most by the use of this filter showing many more details in the infrared than in visible light. Especially during sand storms which can encircle the entire planet and covering features, the IR-pass filter works like a see through.

Jupiter appears much more detailed and sharper with the IR-pass filter. Turbulence on the bands, minor vortexes and ultra thin details are visible only at this wavelength.

Saturn offers its maximum sharpness in infrared and in larger apertures, this filter helps to reveal the Encke division.

Uranus and Neptune are distant and without any high contrast details. Only the IR-pass filters can produce interesting pictures.

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